How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (2024)

Does the term “man in the moon” sound familiar?

The face in the Moon that many of us learn to recognize as children is formed by features called lunar maria which are the darker regions on the Moon’s surface.

The term lunar maria means ‘sea on the Moon’. Mare (pronounced MAHR-ay) is the Latin word for sea, the plural of which is maria.

Early humans mistook these dark plains to be real seas, which is where the name comes from. However, we know today that these dark gray zones are formed from iron-rich basalts produced in volcanic eruptions.

The Moon‘s maria cover about 16% of its surface, with the majority found on the Moon’s Earth-facing side. The major seas visible to us are shown in the image below.

Lunar Mare Formation

Around 4.1 billion years ago, the newly-formed Moon was still cooling after its formation. It formed a thin crust on the outermost surface on top of hot bubbling magma.

It was then that the Moon witnessed huge asteroid impacts that cracked the surface, leaving large craters in their wake.

The liquid magma underneath the surface flowed out through the cracks and filled the craters, where it eventually cooled. These are areas that we identify as lunar maria.

They are flatter regions than the surrounding uplands which is a result of the magma flowing and leveling before it cools and hardens to rock.

Why are Lunar Maria Dark?

The magma that flowed out onto the craters contained iron, magnesium and titanium. Mainly due to the high concentration of iron, lunar maria reflect ½ of the light compared to the surrounding lighter regions.

Lower reflectivity means less light reaches our eyes from these areas than from the surrounding uplands, this is why the maria appear darker.

Are There Maria on the Far Side of the Moon?

Following the first Soviet exploration of the Moon’s far side in 1959, scientists noted that it has fewer flat, dark maria than the side locked facing Earth.

Yet, impact craters are uniformly seen on both sides of the Moon, so it took some time and further analysis to discover why there are fewer lunar maria on the dark side of the Moon.

We now believe that the crust is twice as thick on the far side of the Moon, compared to the near side which always faces us. The crust is thicker (scientists think) because it cooled more quickly when the Moon was formed.

The Earth and Moon were both huge lumps of molten rock when the Moon was created. The Moon cooled more quickly than Earth because it is much smaller.

As the Moon cooled, the side facing Earth stayed warmer. This is because the Earth was also still molten and radiated heat towards the side of the Moon facing it. More materials condensed on the far side of the Moon as it cooled more quickly, leaving it with a thicker crust.

The thicker crust reduced the number of Maria because it was harder for meteor impacts to break it open and let lava flow into the craters present on the Moon’s dark side.

How Are Lunar Maria Named?

Like most things in astronomy, there is a naming convention for the Moon’s seas.

Before we look at what the convention is, it’s worth noting the two maria that had their names fixed before the convention was established: Mare Humboldtianum and Mare Smythii. The former is named for the German polymath Alexander von Humboldt, the latter for British astronomer William Henry Smyth.

All of the other lunar maria are named for either sea features, sea attributes, or states of mind.

Sea Attributes

These lunar maria are named for sea attributes:

  • Mare Australe – Southern Sea
  • Mare Cognitum – Sea of Knowledge
  • Mare Marginis – Sea of the Edge
  • Mare Orientale – Eastern Sea

Sea Features

These lunar maria are named for sea features:

  • Oceanus Procellarum – Ocean of Storms
  • Mare Anguis – Serpent Sea
  • Mare Frigoris – Sea of Cold
  • Mare Humorum – Sea of Moisture
  • Mare Imbrium – Sea of Showers
  • Mare Insularum – Sea of Islands
  • Mare Nectaris – Sea of Nectar
  • Mare Nubium – Sea of Clouds
  • Mare Spumans – Foaming Sea
  • Mare Undarum – Sea of Waves
  • Mare Vaporum – Sea of Vapors

States of Mind

These lunar maria are named for states of mind:

  • Mare Crisium – Sea of Crises
  • Mare Moscoviense – Moscow (seriously named as a state of mind!)
  • Mare Ingenii – Sea of Cleverness
  • Mare Serenitatis – Sea of Serenity
  • Mare Tranquillitatis – Sea of Tranquility

Notable Maria

There are a little more than 20 lunar maria worth knowing about. Let’s take a look at each of these, where they are located, and why they are important.

Mare Anguis22.6°N 67.7°E150/93Roughly shaped like an ‘X’. Present within the Crisium basinHow Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (2)Source
Mare Australe38.9°S
603/375Largely present in the Moon’s southeastern hemisphere, but its eastern side overlaps the Moon’s near and far sides. Marked with numerous crater impacts.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (3)Source
Mare Cognitum10°S
376/233This mare is banked by a mountain range on its northwest. Exists in the second ring of a larger mare called Oceanus Procellarum.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (4)Source
Mare Crisium17°N
418/259Easily identified at the edge of the Moon’s face, marked by wrinkled edges.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (5)Source
Mare Fecunditatis7.8°S
909/564Seen on the eastern side of the Moon’s face.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (6)Source
Mare Frigoris56°N
1596/991Seen on the Moon’s northern side.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (7)Source
Mare Humboldtianum56.8°N 81.5°E273/169Seen on the Moon’s northeastern side but is occasionally hidden from view when seen from Earth.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (8)Source
Mare Humorum24.4°S 38.6°W389/241Roughly circular, south of Apollo 17’s landing site.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (9)Source
Mare Imbrium32.8°N 15.6°W1123/69Marked by 3 concentric rings of mountains surrounding it.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (10)Source
Mare Insularum7.5°N 30.9°W513/318Sandwiched between three craters: Kepler and Encke on the west and Sinus Aestuum on the east.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (11)Source
Mare Marginis13.3°N 86.1°E420/260Present at the corner of the Moon’s near side. Marked by irregular outline and thin walls.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (12)Source
Mare Nectaris15.2°S 35.5°E333/206Bordered by multiple craters, the biggest one being Fracastorius.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (13)Source
Mare Nubium21.3°S 16.6°W715/444Bordered by features Bullialdus on the west, Pitatus on the south and Guericke on the north.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (14)Source
Mare Orientale19.4°S 92.8°W327/203Looks like a bullseye but is difficult to see because of its location on the western border of the Moon’s near and far sides.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (15)Source
Mare Serenitatis28°N
707/439Present to the east of Mare Imbrium.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (16)Source
Mare Smythii1.3°N
373/231Present on the Moon’s near side, near the eastern equator.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (17)Source
Mare Spumans1.1°N
139/86Present at the south of Mare Undarum.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (18)Source
Mare Tranquillitatis8.5°N
873/542Marked by numerous, not well-defined rings.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (19)Source
Mare Undarum6.8°N
243/150Located south of Mare Spumans. Also banked by craters Dubyago on the south and Condorcet P on the northeastern side.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (20)Source
Mare Vaporum13.3°N
245/152Surrounded by mountain range Montes Apenninus.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (21)Source
Oceanus Procellarum18.4°N 57.4°W2568/ 1595The largest mare on the Moon’s near side. Stretches across its north-south axis.How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (22)Source


Although humans first mistook lunar maria to be water-filled seas, these maria are an important part of the moon’s history and tell us a lot about its formation.

After the moon was hit with meteorites, the impact basins that formed as a result were filled with lava that oozed out from the surface (because the moon was still cooling down).

Improve your moon observing skills, with our Guide to The Lunar 100

We hope the list of 20 notable maria and their unique features will make it easy for you to find them when you go lunar maria-hunting!


  • How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (23)

    Sharmila Kuthunur

    Sharmila Kuthunur is an astronomy science writer based in the US. She has been a bibliophile for as...

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How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? (2024)


How Did the Lunar Maria Form, and what are the notable ones? ›

The maria basins were formed beginning about 3.9 billion years ago during a period of intense bombardment by asteroid-sized bodies. This was well after the lunar crust had cooled and solidified enough, following the Moon's formation, to retain large impact scars.

What is the lunar maria and how did it form? ›

The lunar maria (/ˈmæri. ə/ MARR-ee-ə; sg. mare /ˈmɑːreɪ, -i/ MAR-ay, MAR-ee) are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon, formed by lava flowing into ancient impact basins. They were dubbed maria (Latin for 'seas') by early astronomers who mistook them for actual seas.

How did the lunar maria form Quizlet? ›

How did the lunar maria form? Large impacts fractured the Moon's lithosphere, allowing lava to fill the impact basins.

How did lunar maria form and describe how more recent impacts have affected the Moon's surface? ›

The lunar maria formed about 3.0 to 3.5 billion years ago due to intense meteorite bombardment. These large impacts fractured the Moon's lithosphere, leading to magma flowing out from deep within the interior to fill the craters, creating dark, flat basaltic plains.

What evidence do we have that lunar maria formed after lunar Highlands? ›

Two pieces of evidence that indicates the lunar highlands are older than maria is that maria has few craters, and the highlands have large and more common.

How were the lunar highlands formed? ›

the lunar highlands. Long after the large impact basins formed, magma from deep within the Moon made its way to the surface and flowed through long linear cracks-fissures-in the Moon's Crust. The lava poured out onto the surface and filled the deep basins, forming dark, fine-grained, volcanic rock-basalt.

What is one hypothesis that explains how the Moon formed? ›

The giant-impact theory is most widely accepted today. This proposes that the Moon formed during a collision between the Earth and another small planet, about the size of the planet Mars. The debris from this impact collected in an orbit around Earth to form the Moon.

How did the lunar Moon form? ›

The Earth formed over 4.6 billion years ago out of a mixture of dust and gas around the young sun. It grew larger thanks to countless collisions between dust particles, asteroids, and other growing planets, including one last giant impact that threw enough rock, gas, and dust into space to form the moon.

Which of the following best describes lunar maria? ›

Final answer:

The statement that best describes the Lunar Maria is that it is a relatively smooth, flat plains on the moon.

What created smooth lunar maria? ›

The lunar maria are smooth due to the basaltic lava that formed them being thin and runny, filling impact basins to create large smooth planes. They were formed after the heavy meteoroid bombardment leading to fewer craters. Over billions of years, impacts have broken up and smoothed the lunar surface.

What are three important ways in which the lunar maria differ from the highlands? ›

The maria contains iron causing it to have a high density and darker color. The lunar highlands are light-colored areas elevated above the Maria. The highlands are largely made of low-density rocks rich in aluminum. The highlands are much older than the maria and are much more heavily cratered.

During which stage of planetary development did the lunar maria form? ›

Final answer: The lunar maria formed during the differentiation stage of planetary development, more specifically during the late heavy bombardment period, when volcanic activity on the moon's surface was prevalent.

How are maria on the Moon similar to the Columbia Plateau in the Pacific Northwest? ›

Flood basalts can erupt on continents or on the ocean floor. The dark areas on the Moon (maria) are extensive examples of flood basalts. Examples on Earth include: the Laki flow in Iceland and the Columbia Plateau in the Pacific Northwest.

How did the lunar moon form? ›

The Earth formed over 4.6 billion years ago out of a mixture of dust and gas around the young sun. It grew larger thanks to countless collisions between dust particles, asteroids, and other growing planets, including one last giant impact that threw enough rock, gas, and dust into space to form the moon.

What created the lunar dust? ›

A thick layer of regolith, fragmental and unconsolidated rock material, covers the entire lunar surface. This layer is the result of the continuous impact of meteoroids large and small and the steady bombardment of charged particles from the sun and stars.

What is the difference between the lunar highlands and the lunar maria? ›

Maria vs. Highlands

The side facing Earth consists of dark (basaltic) lava filled basins called mare (maria) or seas. The lighter areas are heavily impacted terrain called the highlands. These contrasting features can easily be seen with the naked eye.


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