Request Records through the Freedom of Information Act or Privacy Act (2024)

Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act (PA), you can request:

Step 1: Read this entire page, to ensure you request records the right way, from the right agency.

Step 3:Try to request only the specific documents you need.We can process requests for preciserecords much faster than requests for an entire file.

Step 4:Make your FOIA request onlineto avoid mailing, paper processing, and returned mail that could make it take much longer to process your request. You can also use this service to receive records online, if you already submitted a request by mail. See the chart below.

How to Get Results Faster

If you requestWe will
Specific documents from an A-File

Be able to process your request faster.

When you make your request, be as specific as possible about which documents you need. We can respond to requests for specific documents faster than for large set of records, such as entire A-Files.

Also explain if you are requesting:

  • Information from your own immigration record;
  • Information from another person’s immigration record;
  • USCIS business, operational, or policy records;
  • An amendment or correction of a record under the Privacy Act; or

Another kind of record in USCIS custody.

Large portions of A-Files and non-A-File recordsRequire more time compared to specific documents.
Records we do not have, or if you make the request incorrectlyNotify you as quickly as possible.
An A-File, as soon as possible, because you have a scheduled hearing with an immigration judge

Prioritize your request to deliver it faster.

You must include with your request a copy of 1 of these documents, which was sent to you by the Department of Homeland Securityor Department of Justice:

  • Form I-862, Notice to Appear, documenting the upcoming date of the subject’s hearing before the immigration judge;
  • Form I-122, Order to Show Cause, documenting the upcoming date of the subject’s hearing before the immigration judge;
  • Form I-863, Notice of Referral to Immigration Judge; or
  • A written notice of continuation of a future scheduled hearing before the immigration judge.

Where to Make Your Request

To requestYou should
  • An A-File, whether your own or someone else’s with their permission; or
  • Agency policies, data, communications, and other records.

Request records online with USCIS, to instantly:

  • Place your request in line for processing;
  • Confirm we received it;
  • Be notified when we process it,
  • Track its status; and
  • Conveniently access your records online.

Online record responses are easy to:

  • Access from a phone, tablet, or computer;
  • Send to another person; and
  • Download and print.

You can receive online responses even if:

  • You did not file for immigration benefits online;
  • You have a representative, because they can request your records through their USCIS online account; or
  • You previously requested your records by mail, email, or fax.
Records that are more than 100 years oldRequest the records through the USCIS Genealogy Program
Accessible records under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

Emailthe USCIS FOIA Programwith:

  • Subject line, “FOIA Disability Accommodations”;
  • Your name;
  • A phone number where we canreached you; and
  • Your FOIA control number.
  • Records of apprehension, detention, deportation, entry, exit, expedited removal, background investigations, or inspections by Customs and Border Protection;
  • Form I-94 records;
  • Travel industry reservation data such as a passenger name; or record (PNR)
  • Voluntary return records
Contact U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Information about Importer Trade Activity (ITRAC)Contact U.S. Customs and Border Protection, ITRAC
  • Applications from U.S. citizens for U.S. passports; or
  • Visa requests from noncitizens to enter the United States.
Contact the U.S. Department of State
  • Bond obligor requests
  • Medical records while someone was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement
  • Student and Exchange Visitor Information affecting those previously or currently in F-1, F-3, J-1, M-1, and I-20 status
Contact U.S. Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE)
Recordsby mail

Make Your Request Online

Our online FOIA request service is the fastest, most convenient way to request and receive records from USCIS. When you make a FOIA or PA request by mail, it delays responses to all requestors.

Attorneys and representatives can also make online FOIA requests on behalf of their clients.

Requests Using Form G-639

If you prefer to make your request by mail, download, complete, print, and signForm G-639, Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Request (PDF, 436.26 KB). Form G-639 ensures we receive the correct information to fulfill your request if you make it by mail.

Mail Requests Without Form G-639

You may draft and mail a request for records that meets statutoryFOIA procedures without using Form G-639. If you do this, USCIS cannot process your request as efficiently as possible. If you mail your request, you may be more likely to omit some information we need to fulfill your request, which could delay you from receiving the records you requested.

If you choose this option, your request should include:

  • Your name;
  • Your address or email address;
  • A clear and specific description of the records you are requesting; and
  • If applicable, a justification for expedited treatment.

If you are requesting records about yourself, include a statement of your identity, notarized, or signed under penalty of perjury.

If you are requesting records about someone else, include:

  • The name of the person the records pertain to, also known as the subject of record;
  • A statement of identity by the subject of the record, consisting of their full name, current address, and date and place of birth, signed under penalty of perjury, or notarized; and
  • A third-party release statement by the subject of the record giving you permission to seek their personal records. This statement also must be notarized, or signed under penalty of perjury.

Be Specific

However you make your request, be as specific as possible about which documents you need. We can respond to requests for specific documents faster than for large set of records, such as entire A-Files.

Also explain if you are requesting:

  • Information from your own immigration record;
  • Information from another person’s immigration record;
  • USCIS business, operational, or policy records;
  • An amendment or correction of a record under the Privacy Act; or
  • Another kind of record in USCIS custody.

Where to Mail
National Records Center (NRC)
FOIA/PA Office
P.O. Box 648010
Lee’s Summit, MO 64064-8010

After we receive your request, we will send you a letter of acknowledgement, process the request and send our response. You will receive any records we release by mail as files on acompact disk (CD).
Records by email, or faxWe will stop accepting FOIA or PA requests by fax or email on Dec. 16, 2022. For faster receipt of records, use our online FOIA request and response service.

Appeal or Dispute Our Response to Your Request

ToYou can
Appeal our determination of your request

Write a letter, known as an administrative appeal, and mail it to:

USCIS FOIA/PA Appeals Office
150 Space Center Loop, Suite 500
Lee's Summit, MO

Clearly mark both your letter and its envelope “Freedom of Information Act Appeal”.

Address concerns with your request or appeal by consulting a neutral third-partyVisit the website of theOffice of Government Information Services (OGIS). OGIS offers mediation between FOIA requestors and federal agencies.

Contact the USCIS FOIA Program

ToYou can
See the status of a pending FOIA or PA requestCheck the status of the request online, whether you made it online oranother way. You will need the FOIA control number included in your receipt message.

Ask more detailed questions about our process or your pending FOIA or PA request

Email the USCIS FOIA Program. Please note that we can only answer questions about FOIA or PA requests. We cannot help with, or respond to, questions about pending applications, petitions, or any other immigration matter. For these inquiries, call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283 (TTY: 800-767-1833).

Request Records through the Freedom of Information Act or Privacy Act (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.